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Projekt:  Razvoj kapaciteta za psihosocijalnu potporu – Osnaživanje  kolumbijskih pomagačkih stručnjaka za pružanje psihosocijalnih  usluga -The Inception phase of project implementation

[:hr]Početna faza provedbe projekta


Na poticaj Ministarstva vanjskih i europskih poslova, Društvo za psihološku pomoć (DPP) se prijavilo na natječaj Trust Funda Europske unije za pomoć Kolumbiji u uspostavi mira. Nakon više od godinu dana pregovora i priprema, DPP-ov projekt je prihvaćen te je s Delegacijom Europske unije u Kolumbiji, potpisan Ugovor o provedbi edukacijskog programa „Razvoj kapaciteta za psihosocijalnu potporu – Osnaživanje kolumbijskih pomagačkih stručnjaka za pružanje psihosocijalnih usluga“. Ugovor je potpisan 1. 08. 2018. godine.

Uz DPP, kao nositelja projekta, u provedbi će sudjelovati dvije partnerske organizacije: ArqPsychotrauma Expert Group – vodeća nizozemska skupina stručnjaka iz područja psihotraumatologije i utjecaja razornih događaja na pojedince, organizacije i društvo u cjelini,  te kolumbijska Nacionalna agencija za izobrazbu – SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje). DPP i ArqPsychotrauma Exper Group će odabrati trenere/konzultante koji će provesti program izobrazbe, a SENA, koja ima veliku mrežu centara za obuku diljem Kolumbije, je odgovorna za organizacijsku podršku u vezi s provedbom  edukacijskih  modula, osiguravanje prostorija i opreme za trening, identificiranje i pozivanje polaznika izobrazbe.

Program izobrazbe, u formi „trening trenera“, uključuje 5 trodnevnih modula te jedan dvodnevni sastanak praćenja i evaluacije (ukupno 17 dana obuke). Program će se provesti s 4 grupe, po 40 polaznika u 4 grada, ukupno 160 polaznika. Polaznici izobrazbe bit će kolumbijski pomagački stručnjaci i pružatelji psihosocijalnih usluga (liječnici, psiholozi, socijalni radnici, medicinske sestre, zdravstveni promotori).

Trajanje projekta je 24 mjeseca (do rujna 2020.), a procijenjeni ukupni troškovi iznose 790.824 eura od čega je iznos donacije EU Trust Fund 632.659 eura (ili 80%).

Prvi korak u provedbi projekta je početna misija provedena od 18. – 27. rujna ove godine u Kolumbiji. Ciljevi misije bili su sljedeći:

  1. Predstaviti projekt kolumbijskoj javnosti;
  2. Pružiti informacije o sadržaju i formatu programa izobrazbe različitim dionicima (kolumbijskim vlastima, sveučilištima i stručnim institucijama), kao i potencijalnim polaznicima izobrazbe kako bi se osiguralo bolje razumijevanje programa i olakšao proces identifikacije i izbora polaznika.
  3. Provjeriti i osigurati organizacijsku i logističku podršku na svim lokacijama provedbe programa – 4 kolumbijska grada.

Misiju su realizirali programski direktor projekta i izvršni direktor DPP-a. Oni su, uz g. Željka Vukosava, veleposlanika Republike Hrvatske, aktivno sudjelovali u svečanosti predstavljanja projekta koja je održana u prostorijama Delegacije Europske unije u Bogoti, 19. rujna 2018. Počasni gosti i govornici na svečanosti bili su:

– Jorge de la Caballeria, voditelj Odjela za Latinsku Ameriku i Karibe, EU TF;

– Francisco García, šef Delegacije Europske unije u Kolumbiji;

– Željko Vukosav, veleposlanik Republike Hrvatske;

– Edgar Adrián Zambrano Tamayo, ravnatelj Uprave za promociju i korporativne odnose SENA;

– Prof. dr. sc. Dean Ajduković, DPP, programski direktor projekta.

Događaju je prisustvovalo oko 30 gostiju – predstavnici veleposlanstava EU, kolumbijskih ministarstava i institucija, osoblje Delegacije EU, SENA-e te novinari tiskanih i elektronskih medija. Govornici su naglasili važnost ovog projekta za Kolumbiju i iskazali punu potporu njegovoj provedbi. Službeni dio programa završen je javnim potpisivanjem dokumenta o suradnji na projektu. Dokument su potpisali šef Delegacije EU u Kolumbiji, veleposlanik Republike Hrvatske te ravnatelj Uprave za promociju i korporativne odnose SENA-e i izvršni direktor DPP-a.

Nakon službenog dijela programa održan je domjenak tijekom kojega su hrvatski veleposlanik i dvojica predstavnika DPP-a dali nekoliko intervjua za medije u kojima su predstavili projekt kao i provedbene partnerske organizacije.

Misija je nastavljena obilaskom SENA-inih regionalnih centara u gradovima u kojima će se provesti izobrazba: Bogotá, Barranquilla, Medellín i Cali. Tijekom misije, predstavnici DPP-a održali su 6 uspješnih sastanaka s ukupno 74 lokalna dionika projekta – predstavnici SENA-e, kolumbijskog Ministarstva zdravstva, regionalnih ureda, profesionalnih udruga, sveučilišta, bolnica, lokalnih vlasti, potencijalnih sudionika obuke, lokalnog logističkog partnera (agencija ROAD) i kandidata za tumače/prevoditelje obuke.

Na sastancima, u sva 4 regionalna centra, predstavljen je nacrt sadržaja programa izobrazbe (glavne tematske cjeline) te su kroz konstruktivnu raspravu s kolumbijskim stručnjacima dogovorene manje izmjene i dopune, koje odražavaju specifična lokalna iskustva i potrebe. Svi sudionici sastanaka složili su se da su sve teme planirane u programu važne i da niti jedna od njih ne treba biti izostavljena. Kolumbijski sudionici sastanaka podržali su i format treninga od 5 trodnevnih modula (plus dvodnevni sastanak praćenja – follow up), izražavajući zadovoljstvo mogućnošću da polaznici primjenjuju stečena znanja i vještine između pojedinih modula, te tako aktivno sudjeluju u prilagodbi programa njihovim praktičnim potrebama.

Dogovoren je postupak izbora polaznika izobrazbe kao i organizacijski i logistički uvjeti za provedbu programa. Predstavnici SENA-e su potvrdili svoju predanost regrutiranju potrebnog broja i profila polaznika.

Također je dogovoren i vremenski plan provedbe modula i predstavljen lokalnim koordinatorima i ostalim sudionicima. Moduli će biti provedeni u intervalima od 5 do 6 tjedana, što će  omogućiti polaznicima provjeru novih znanja i vještina u praksi i povratne informacije trenerima. Nisu uočeni posebni problemi i prepreke u pogledu logističke potpore.

Program prvog modula je u cjelosti razrađen, a svi seminarski materijali (predavanja, radionice i radni listovi) prevedeni na španjolski.

Nakon početne misije SENA je započela proces pozivanja i izbora polaznika izobrazbe. Zbog određenih problema koji su se pojavili u postupku izbora polaznika, ranije dogovoreni datum početka prvog modula pomaknut je s 19. studenog 2018. na 13. veljače 2019. To vrijeme će SENA iskoristiti za daljnje identificiranje polaznika i popunjavanje planirane kvote.[:en]Project: Capacity Development for Psychosocial Support – Strengthening Colombian care professionals for providing psychosocial services 

At the initiative of the Croatian Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, the Society for Psychological Assistance (SPA) has applied for a grant at the European Union Trust Fund for the Peace in Colombia (EU TF). After more than a year of negotiations and preparations, the SPA’s project was accepted and the Contract for implementation of the training program “Capacity Development for Psychosocial Support – Strengthening Colombian care professionals for providing psychosocial services” was signed on 1st August 2018.

With SPA, who is the main implementing partner, two other partner organizations will participate in the implementation: ArqPsychotrauma Expert Group, The Netherlands leading group of experts in the field of psychotraumatology and the impact of overwhelming events on individuals, organizations and society at large, and the Colombian National Training Service – SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje). SPA and ArqPsychotrauma Expert Group will provide trainers/consultants who will implement the training program and SENA, who has extensive network of training centers throughout the country, is responsible for organizational support related to delivery of training modules, providing the training venues and equipment, identifying and inviting the training participants. Training program in the form of “Training of Trainers” (ToT) includes 5 three-day modules plus one two-day follow-up meeting (total of 17 training days). The program will be implemented with 4 groups of 40 participants (one group in each city; total 160 participants). Project beneficiaries will be Colombian care providers of psychosocial services (medical doctors, psychologists, social workers, nurses, health promoters). Duration of the project is 24 months (by September 2020), and estimated total cost is EUR 790.824 of which the amount contributed by the EU Trust Fund is  EUR 632.659 (or 80%).

The first step in project implementation was the Inception mission that took place from September 18 to September 27 this year in Colombia. Mission objectives were as follows:

  1. To present the project in Colombia.
  2. To provide information regarding content and format of the training program to different stakeholders (Colombian authorities, universities and professional institutions) as well as potential training participants, in order to ensure a better understanding of the program and contribution to the process of identification and selection of the training participants.
  3. To check and ensure that all organizational and logistic support is in place at all 4 locations/cities.

The Inception mission was performed by the Program director and Executive director of the SPA. They actively participated, together with Mr. Željko Vukosav, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia, in the kick-off event in Bogotá which was held at the premises of the Delegation of the European Union in Bogotá on September 19, 2018. Special guests and speakers at the ceremony were:

  • Jorge de la Caballeria, Head of Unit Latin America and Caribbean, EU TF
  • Francisco García, Head of EU Delegation in Colombia
  • Željko Vukosav, Ambassador of the Republic of Croatia
  • Edgar Adrián Zambrano Tamayo, Director in charge of the Direction of Promotion and Corporate Relations of SENA
  • dr. sc. Dean Ajdukovic, Program director, SPA

There were about 30 guests present – representatives of EU embassies, Colombian Ministries and institutions, EU Delegation, SENA and journalists of print and electronic media. The speakers emphasized the importance of this project and expressed full support for its implementation. The official part of the program was completed by public signing of the project co-operation document on behalf of the EU Delegation, Croatian Embassy and implementing partners: SENA and SPA.

After the official part of the program there was a modest cocktail party during which the Croatian ambassador and two representatives of the SPA gave several interviews for the media in which they presented the project and the implementing partner organizations.

The mission continued with the visit of SENA’s regional centers in the cities where the training will take place: Bogotá, Barranquilla, Medellín and Cali. During the mission SPA representatives had 6 successful meetings with a total of 74 different local stakeholders – representatives of SENA, Colombian Ministry of Health as well as local Departments, professional associations, universities, hospitals, local authorities, potential training participants, the local logistic partner organization and candidates for the training interpreters.

At the meetings, in all 4 regional centres, a draft of the training program content (the main topics) was presented and through a constructive discussion with Colombian experts some minor changes and additions, reflecting specific local experiences and needs, were agreed on. All participants at the meetings agreed that all the topics planned in the syllabus are important and that none of these topics should be omitted. The Colombian participants supported also the training format of 5 three-day modules (plus two-day follow up session), emphasizing  satisfaction with the opportunity for the trainees to implement the new knowledge and skills between the two modules, so that they will have active role in tailoring the curriculum to the practical needs.

The selection process for the training participants as well as organizational and logistical conditions for the implementation of the program was agreed upon. The SENA representatives reaffirmed their commitment to recruit the sufficient number and profile of the training participants.

The training timetable was also agreed and presented to the local coordinators and other participants. The training modules will be delivered every 5 to 6 weeks, which will allow the participants to test the new knowledge and skills in practice and give the feedback to the trainers. No specific problems and obstacles were identified in terms of logistical support.

The first module program was fully elaborated and all seminar materials (lectures, workshops and worksheets) were translated into Spanish.

After the Inception mission SENA started the process of inviting and selecting the training participants. Due to certain problems that have arisen in the training participants process of selection, the already determined starting date of the first module on 19th November was postponed to 13th February 2019. This time will be used by SENA to further identify the participants until the full quota is completed.
